Monday 24 October 2016

Film Teaser Poster Sketch

Film Magazine Cover sketch

The magazine cover shows the three main characters. Like in the film, they carry about a camcorder that films both their project and what they encounter. The are dressed in school uniform with the exception of the boy in costume to have ripped shirt and blood all over him because he was used as an actor.

All three have serious and cautious faces as they look forward into a reader. The camera's flashlight will blur some of their faces and will connote that they are looking at something in the dark; a place where everything is unknown based on their emotions shown on their faces. The light also reflects a part of the horror genre in that no one knows what is about to happen yet the characters look forward to find out.

The film's title say your prayers will be written in a sharp font and coloured like wood. This will relate to a cross which is associated with the title as crosses are made of wood.

In comaparison with Woman in Black, instead of featuring only one main character I needed to introduce all characters since Say Your Prayers is a new film and possibly unheard of. However, Woman in Black uses a face of a actor able to promote film due to his popularity with the audience. I conformed to the basics of a film magazine having a main image, cover lines, masthead, sell lines, buttons, barcodes, issue and price lines.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

In-class Trailer Analysis - The Girl On The Train

The trailer starts showing parts of the film in chronological order with text in the beginning to show an event was one week ago.  The trailer first introduces the dilemma which is the apparent victim who is the blonde girl having self-issues and her dialogue is shortened to one-liners. This gradual introduction uses a slow, quiet song that eventually builds up. The main protagonist is introduced as described by the title of the film; she is on a train passing by the places the blonde girl was seen. The diegetic sounds of the train synchronises with the increasing volume of the same music since the beginning.

The the purpose of the trailer was to introduce the newly- known film as it mentioned as an inter-title that it is a novel-based storyline and that it came from the distribution companies of Universal and Dreamworks. The addition of these names allows the audience to remember well established companies giving a sense of verification to the film. However, there were no reviews nor ratings given to comment that it was a critically acclaimed film. There was also no mention of the actors' names and only the main actress would be recognised by the public. The other actors' anonymity allows the audience to only see their performances as real as the character as possible and not to be linked with other movies they've been in.

The music increases in tempo and volume; synchronising to a crescendo with the diegetic sounds of the train horn. A montage with the clips from tense scenes in the movie is edited to create confusion in the plot but to also intrigue the audiences. The last scene was the main character standing quite inebriated on a platform under dark lighting with the train passing by. This makes us question her character as a whole since that we can't predict her actions due to a dark presentation and in her state, we don't think she can too. The screen ends abruptly cutting off the sound and the title of the film fading in to give the viewers a lasting memory of it's name.

Quote of the day

"You want as many people as possible to consume your art. And to do that, you have to be a business person" - Halsey

I agree with the quote since that in order to reach out to people, you must be tactical in how you approach them. Unfortunately people judge on how it looks, the art that is being advertised must look appealing in how it is presented and before people actually consume it. For instance, when music is being advertised, the album cover must look desirable to its target audience before they listen to it. The product is made public and within that a certain group of people are selected strategically via Marketing this product takes a business minded person in order to be successful.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Movie Magazine Analysis 1 - Batman v Superman

Batman vs Superman movie magazine poster shows the three main characters in the centre of the page with dark skies and light coming form behind. The poster shows the three looking very brave and dignified in their costumes. the colour scheme of dark colours including blue, red and black keep true to the original idea for the superheroes however the picture shows that they have been modernised. They have made the characters look very realistic in what they would look like today since that they originated from comic illustrations.

The fonts used are very bold and all in capital letters thus making a very big statement on the magazine cover. The title of the film Batman v Superman coloured in a steel type colour makes it stand out and for the audience to remember; steel also connotes that they are strong and indestructible.

The stormy, monochromatic background shows that danger is ahead. Since that the title suggest Batman v Superman will fight against each other, the characters are also positioned apart with wonder woman in between.

Saturday 8 October 2016

Target Audience - Class Brainstorm

Poster Analysis 2 - Final Destination 5

Final Destination 5 has the colour scheme of dark blue, grey and black with majority of the poster showing a skull. This immediately tells me that the film's genre is horror as many horror films present the theme of death as represented by the large picture. The skull appears to have bits of the edges breaking off which as a metaphor, connotes that something is falling apart or that something is going wrong since that skulls don't seem to break apart by themselves. The backgroud being dark and blocking anything besides from the skull tells me that this film is mysterious as we dont know what to expect to appear on the film. The poster is a mere symbol of what the film's genre is.

The main target audience of Final Destination would typically be teenagers and young adults who love horror. The poster is successful in enticing fans of the film franchise as it reflects the previous films' poster designs

Poster Analysis 1 - Project Almanac

Project Almanac's poster uses mainly blue, grey, metalic silver and gold to connote that it is a futuristic, sci-fi and action film. There is a group of teenagers huddled amongst each other with light in between and light all around the floor that catches our eye. It is only explthe ained in the trailer that they in fact use a time travel machine which explains the picture. This is however hinted in the tagline "Today is better the second time round.".

A background of a city skyline at night compliments the colour scheme and adds a sense of mystery as it is dark and not mich can be seen pass the teenagers. They seem to all be wearing the typical attire of any other person with jeans, trainers and shorts; however, one of them has a back pack which suggest adventure as he wouldn't need to pack much if the dilemma of the film was quick to overcome.

I think that this poster is aimed for those who enjoy adventurous films against the backdrop of sci-fi. The movie poster does well to refer to the genres using the colour scheme and its features. The USP is that the group of friends discover a time machone and they use it to go back in the past to change small things for the better of them only; this causes the problem in that they change other things for the worst the rest.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Film Treatment

Film Promo


Using what you have learnt about the process and conventions of film promotion create a treatment for your chosen genre.

Group members:        4                                           

Chosen genre:       Supernatural Horror                

Title of film:               Say Your Prayers                    

Outline of Ideas:
What is the basic plot synopsis?

The main character and her friends who are 17-18 have been assigned a project in school to make a short horror film. During the making and editing, they experience paranormal activity that is caused by a curse. The course is because they use and destroy a photo they found in an old book. They are haunted when making when fake bleeding cuts turn out to be real and when editing, they review the footage to have apparitions of the dead also wanting to rest in peace.

What type of characters will be in the film?

The main protagonist
·      an 18 year old student who hard working and ambitions planning to go to a good university
·      out of all characters she is the most level headed
·      She is a sceptic however she does eventually believe what paranormal activity is happening to them

Where will your trailer be set?( details of interiors, exteriors, etc)
·      School - classroom, library
·      Night scene in park– students filming location
·      Unknown locations – in a dark room, only characters are visible

What other aspects of mise-en-scene do you need to consider?
·      Makeup, costume – gore/horror needs fake blood and injuries, clothes are damaged
·      Ouija board, shot glass, old photo, camera props
·       Found footage – camera is blurred (in editing)

What conventions of the genre will be included in your trailer?
·       Jump scares
·       Blood found on random places – walls, ceilings, unknown injuries
·       Hiding from something – behind doors and closets

·       Blunt weapons to defend the characters